Report ID: SQMIG45F2144
Report ID:
SQMIG45F2144 |
Global |
Published Date: January, 2025
114 |
In the competitive landscape of the global software-defined wide area network (SD-WAN) market, several key players are vying for market share and positioning themselves to capitalize on the growing demand for SD-WAN solutions. These players include both established networking vendors and innovative startups, each offering unique capabilities and strategies to differentiate themselves in the market.
One of the dominant players in the global SD-WAN market is Cisco Systems, Inc. With its extensive portfolio of networking products and solutions, including the Cisco SD-WAN offering, the company has established a strong presence in the market. Cisco's strategy involves leveraging its comprehensive networking expertise, brand recognition, and global reach to capture market share and drive adoption of its SD-WAN solutions. Cisco focuses on providing end-to-end networking solutions that integrate SD-WAN with other networking technologies, such as security, routing, and cloud services, to deliver enhanced value to customers.
Another major player in the SD-WAN market is VMware, Inc., which acquired SD-WAN pioneer VeloCloud Networks in 2017. VMware's SD-WAN solution, VMware SD-WAN by VeloCloud, is a key component of its broader networking and security portfolio. VMware's strategy revolves around offering a software-defined approach to networking that enables organizations to simplify network management, improve agility, and enhance security. VMware emphasizes the integration of SD-WAN with its broader software-defined data centre (SDDC) and cloud management platforms, such as VMware NSX and VMware Cloud Foundation, to deliver a seamless and unified networking experience across hybrid and multi-cloud environments.
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Report ID: SQMIG45F2144