Report ID: SQMIG45F2127
Report ID:
SQMIG45F2127 |
Global |
Published Date: November, 2024
121 |
The existence of several international players defines the global market. To increase their market share, businesses use a variety of techniques, including partnerships, agreements, regional growth, mergers, acquisitions, and new product creation. Additionally, software and service providers are spending a lot of money on research and development in order to incorporate the newest technology into their offerings and create advanced solutions that will give them a competitive edge in the market.. In our process mining software market reports, some of the leading process mining software companies are as follows: ABBYY Solutions Limited (US), Celonis GmbH (US), Fluxicon BV (Netherlands), Hyland Software, Inc. (US), Minit (US), MyInvenio, an IBM Company (Italy), QPR Software Plc (Finland), Signavio (Germany), Software AG (Germany), UiPath, Inc. (US).
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Report ID: SQMIG45F2127