Report ID: SQMIG45K2045
Report ID:
SQMIG45K2045 |
Global |
Published Date: August, 2024
67 |
In March 2024, Honeywell introduced its new series of wireless industrial sensors, the SmartEdge Wireless Sensor family. These sensors are designed for remote monitoring and predictive maintenance applications, offering real-time data analytics and reducing the need for manual inspections in industrial environments.
In November 2023, Rockwell Automation unveiled its next-generation industrial IoT sensors, the FactoryTalk Smart Sensors. These sensors feature advanced connectivity options and edge computing capabilities, enabling real-time data processing and improved decision-making at the factory floor level.
In September 2023, Rockwell Automation unveiled its next-generation industrial IoT sensors, the FactoryTalk Smart Sensors. These sensors feature advanced connectivity options and edge computing capabilities, enabling real-time data processing and improved decision-making at the factory floor level.
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Report ID: SQMIG45K2045