B2B Payments Market Size, Share, Growth Analysis, By Payment Type(electronic funds transfer, credit cards, mobile payments, and others), By End User(healthcare, manufacturing, retail, IT and telecommunications), By Technology(blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and application programming interfaces (APIs)), By Region - Industry Forecast 2024-2031

Report ID: SQMIG40D2015 | Region: Global | Published Date: March, 2024
Pages: 207 |Tables: 93 |Figures: 76

B2B Payments Market Insights

Global B2B Payments Market size was valued at USD 120.96 trillion in 2022 and is poised to grow from USD 130.64 trillion in 2023 to USD 241.80 trillion by 2031, at a CAGR of 8% during the forecast period (2024-2031).

The Global B2B Payments Market is a dynamic and rapidly growing sector that facilitates financial transactions between businesses. It encompasses a wide range of payment solutions and platforms designed to streamline and simplify the complex payment processes involved in business-to-business transactions. From traditional methods like checks and wire transfers to innovative digital payment technologies, the B2B payments market offers a diverse array of solutions to meet the evolving needs of businesses worldwide. The primary purpose of the B2B payments market is to enable seamless and efficient financial transactions between businesses. By providing secure, reliable, and convenient payment solutions, the market empowers companies to conduct business smoothly, enhance cash flow management, and improve overall operational efficiency. B2B payments play a crucial role in facilitating trade, ensuring timely supplier payments, enabling global business expansion, and fostering financial transparency and accountability. Several key drivers are fueling the growth of the global B2B payments market. Firstly, the increasing digitization of business processes and the shift away from paper-based transactions drive the adoption of digital payment solutions. With the rising acceptance of electronic invoices, online platforms, and cloud-based accounting systems, businesses are increasingly embracing digital payment methods to streamline their financial operations. Secondly, the global expansion of businesses and the growing trend of cross-border trade are driving the demand for efficient B2B payment solutions. As companies engage in international transactions, they seek secure and cost-effective payment mechanisms that can handle multiple currencies and comply with regulatory requirements. This has led to the emergence of innovative cross-border payment platforms and services catering to the specific needs of global businesses. Despite its immense growth potential, the B2B payments market faces certain challenges and restraints. One significant restraint is the resistance to change and the persistence of legacy payment systems. Some businesses continue to rely on traditional methods, hindering the widespread adoption of digital payment solutions. Additionally, concerns around data security, privacy, and fraud prevention pose obstacles to the rapid adoption of B2B payment technologies, requiring robust security measures and trust-building initiatives.

In the B2B payments market, several key trends are shaping the industry landscape. One prominent trend is the convergence of payment and financial management solutions, where businesses seek integrated platforms that combine payment processing, cash flow management, and financial analytics. This trend enhances efficiency and provides businesses with comprehensive insights into their financial operations. Another important trend is the increasing adoption of mobile and contactless payment solutions in the B2B space. With the proliferation of smartphones and the growing preference for touchless transactions, businesses are embracing mobile payment apps and contactless payment technologies for faster and more convenient payment experiences. The B2B payments market presents lucrative opportunities for payment service providers, fintech companies, and technology innovators. The market offers vast potential for developing advanced payment solutions that address specific pain points in different industries and cater to diverse business needs. Opportunities abound in areas such as real-time payments, blockchain-based solutions, AI-powered fraud detection, and seamless integration with accounting and ERP systems. Furthermore, the ongoing digital transformation across industries and the increasing demand for automated financial processes create a fertile ground for solution providers. Businesses are actively seeking modern payment technologies that can streamline operations, reduce costs, and provide actionable insights for better financial decision-making.

Market Snapshot - 2024-2031

Global Market Size

USD 120.96 trillion

Largest Segment

Electronic funds transfer

Fastest Growth

Mobile payments

Growth Rate


Global B2B Payments Market ($ Bn)
Market Share For North America Region (%)

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B2B Payments Market Segmental Analysis

Global B2B Payments Market is segmented on the basis of payment type, end user, technology, and region. By payment type, the market is segmented into electronic funds transfer, credit cards, mobile payments, and others. By end user, the market is segmented into healthcare, manufacturing, retail, IT and telecommunications, and others. By technology, the market is segmented into blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and application programming interfaces (APIs). By region, the market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, and Latin America.

Analysis By Payment Type

The largest segment is electronic funds transfer. Electronic funds transfer refers to the transfer of funds between business entities using electronic channels such as Automated Clearing House (ACH), wire transfers, and online banking platforms. This segment dominates the market due to several compelling reasons. Firstly, electronic funds transfer offers businesses a secure, efficient, and cost-effective payment method. It eliminates the need for manual processing, reduces paperwork, and minimizes the risk of errors associated with traditional paper-based payment methods. With electronic funds transfer, businesses can streamline their payment processes, improve cash flow management, and enhance overall operational efficiency. Secondly, the widespread adoption of electronic banking platforms and advancements in technology have facilitated the growth of electronic funds transfer. The convenience and accessibility of online banking services enable businesses to initiate transactions quickly, track payment statuses in real-time, and streamline reconciliation processes. As a result, more and more businesses are embracing electronic funds transfer as their preferred B2B payment method. Furthermore, regulatory initiatives and industry standards that promote the use of electronic payments have further propelled the growth of this segment. Governments and regulatory bodies worldwide are encouraging businesses to transition to electronic payment methods to promote transparency, reduce fraud, and enhance financial security. Compliance requirements and industry-specific regulations, such as those in the healthcare and financial sectors, also drive the adoption of electronic funds transfer.

While electronic funds transfer is the largest segment in the B2B payments market, the fastest growing segment is mobile payments. Mobile payments involve the use of mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, to initiate and authorize B2B transactions. This segment is experiencing rapid growth due to several key factors. Firstly, the increasing penetration of smartphones and mobile internet connectivity has paved the way for mobile payments. Businesses are leveraging the convenience and ubiquity of mobile devices to initiate payments on the go, regardless of location or time. Mobile payments offer flexibility and ease of use, allowing businesses to make secure and swift transactions without being tied to a physical office or computer. Secondly, the demand for contactless and touchless payment solutions has surged in recent years, driven by the need for safer and more hygienic payment methods. Mobile payments, enabled by technologies such as Near Field Communication (NFC) and mobile wallets, provide a seamless and contactless payment experience. This has become especially relevant in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, where businesses prioritize health and safety measures. Furthermore, the integration of mobile payment solutions with other business applications, such as invoicing and accounting software, offers businesses added convenience and efficiency. Mobile payments streamline the entire payment process, from generating invoices to receiving payments, reducing manual effort and improving cash flow management. With the combination of convenience, security, and technological advancements, mobile payments are experiencing exponential growth in the B2B payments market. Businesses across industries are recognizing the benefits of mobile payments, leading to increased adoption and market expansion.

Analysis By End User

The largest segment is the healthcare industry. The healthcare sector accounts for a significant portion of B2B payments due to several compelling reasons. Firstly, the healthcare industry is characterized by a complex network of suppliers, vendors, and service providers, necessitating a robust and efficient payment ecosystem. With numerous transactions occurring between hospitals, clinics, pharmaceutical companies, medical equipment suppliers, and insurance providers, the demand for streamlined B2B payment solutions is substantial. Secondly, the healthcare sector is experiencing rapid digitization, with an increasing number of healthcare organizations adopting electronic health records (EHR) systems, telemedicine platforms, and other digital technologies. This digital transformation creates a need for integrated payment systems that can seamlessly handle transactions and data exchange between healthcare providers, payers, and patients. Furthermore, the healthcare industry is subject to stringent regulations and compliance requirements, particularly regarding patient privacy and data security. B2B payment solutions that offer robust security features and adhere to regulatory standards are crucial for the healthcare sector to ensure confidentiality and protect sensitive patient information.

On the other hand, the fastest growing segment in the global B2B payments market is the IT and telecommunications industry. This sector is experiencing remarkable growth and innovation, with the proliferation of digital services, cloud computing, and advancements in telecommunications infrastructure. The IT and telecommunications industry relies heavily on B2B payments for various purposes, including software licensing, equipment procurement, and service subscriptions. As the industry continues to expand, the need for efficient payment solutions that can handle the increasing volume and complexity of transactions is accelerating. Moreover, the IT and telecommunications sector is witnessing significant cross-border transactions, as companies collaborate globally and provide services to clients worldwide. This necessitates the adoption of B2B payment solutions that facilitate secure and seamless cross-border transactions, including foreign currency exchange and compliance with international regulations. Additionally, with the rise of subscription-based business models and the increasing demand for Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions, the IT and telecommunications industry requires agile and automated payment systems to manage recurring billing, customer renewals, and revenue recognition.

Global B2B Payments Market By Type

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B2B Payments Market Regional Insights

In the global B2B payments market, one dominating region is North America, which holds a significant market share. North America has emerged as a powerhouse in the B2B payments sector, driven by several factors that contribute to its dominance. The region's robust technological infrastructure, advanced financial systems, and the presence of major players in the payments industry have propelled its leadership position. North America's dominance is exemplified by the widespread adoption of digital payment solutions and the emergence of innovative platforms. For instance, the region is witnessing a surge in the use of mobile payment apps and digital wallets, enabling businesses to streamline their payment processes and enhance efficiency. Companies like PayPal, Square, and Stripe have established a strong presence in North America, offering secure and convenient B2B payment solutions that cater to a wide range of industries. Furthermore, North America's emphasis on financial technology (fintech) advancements has accelerated the growth of the B2B payments market. The region boasts a thriving ecosystem of fintech startups that are disrupting traditional payment methods and offering cutting-edge solutions. Examples include companies like Bill.com, which provides cloud-based payment automation and workflow tools, and AvidXchange, offering accounts payable and payment automation solutions. These innovative platforms have gained significant market share in North America, catering to the evolving needs of businesses for seamless B2B payments.

On the other hand, the fastest growing region in the global B2B payments market is Asia-Pacific. With its rapidly expanding economies, such as China and India, the region offers immense growth potential. Asia-Pacific is experiencing a digital transformation, with businesses embracing digital payment technologies to facilitate B2B transactions. Asia-Pacific's fast-growing market is fueled by the increasing adoption of e-commerce, cross-border trade, and the rise of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). As more businesses in the region engage in international trade, the demand for efficient and secure B2B payment solutions is rising. Market leaders such as Alipay, WeChat Pay, and Paytm have gained substantial market share in Asia-Pacific by providing convenient mobile payment solutions that cater to the unique requirements of the region. Additionally, government initiatives promoting digitalization and financial inclusion, along with the growing tech-savvy population, are contributing to the rapid growth of the B2B payments market in Asia-Pacific. This region presents significant opportunities for B2B payment providers to capture a large and expanding market, making it a focal point for industry players seeking growth and expansion.

Global B2B Payments Market Geography
  • Largest
  • Fastest

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B2B Payments Market Dynamics


Digitalization and Technological Advancements

  • The increasing adoption of digital payment solutions and advancements in technology are driving the growth of the B2B payments market. Companies are transitioning from traditional payment methods, such as paper checks and manual invoicing, to digital platforms that offer efficiency, convenience, and cost savings. For example, the rise of mobile payment apps, online payment gateways, and electronic invoicing systems have streamlined B2B transactions, reducing manual errors, processing time, and transaction costs.

Globalization and Cross-Border Trade

  • The expansion of global trade and the growth of international business relationships have created a need for efficient cross-border payment solutions. As businesses engage in transactions with partners and suppliers from different countries, there is a demand for secure, fast, and transparent payment mechanisms that can handle diverse currencies and comply with international regulations. Fintech companies and payment service providers are offering innovative solutions, such as multi-currency wallets and blockchain-based platforms, to facilitate seamless cross-border B2B payments and improve transparency in global transactions.


Security Concerns and Fraud Risks

  • As the volume and value of B2B transactions increase, so do the risks associated with security breaches and fraudulent activities. Cybercriminals target payment systems to gain unauthorized access to sensitive financial information, resulting in significant financial losses for businesses. The need for robust security measures, such as encryption, tokenization, and fraud detection technologies, adds complexity and costs to B2B payment processes. Moreover, regulatory compliance requirements further heighten the challenges of ensuring secure transactions, particularly in industries with stringent data protection regulations, such as healthcare and finance.

Resistance to Change and Legacy Systems

  • Many businesses, especially larger enterprises, have established legacy payment systems and processes deeply embedded in their operations. These systems may be outdated, manual, and fragmented, making it difficult to adopt new B2B payment technologies and platforms. Resistance to change, concerns about integration complexities, and the cost of upgrading or replacing legacy systems act as restraints to the adoption of modern B2B payment solutions. Overcoming these challenges requires comprehensive change management strategies, investment in infrastructure upgrades, and effective communication to highlight the benefits of transitioning to more efficient payment methods.

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B2B Payments Market Competitive Landscape

The Global B2B Payments Market is highly competitive, with several key players vying for market share and continuously innovating to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving landscape. The competitive landscape is characterized by the presence of established financial institutions, fintech startups, payment service providers, and technology giants. Leading players offer a wide range of payment services, including electronic funds transfer, virtual cards, mobile wallets, and digital invoicing, catering to the diverse needs of businesses across industries. Fintech startups have also emerged as formidable competitors, leveraging advanced technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to provide innovative B2B payment solutions that offer efficiency, security, and transparency. Additionally, partnerships, collaborations, and acquisitions are prevalent strategies adopted by players to expand their market presence, enhance their service offerings, and gain a competitive edge. The competitive landscape is further intensified by the increasing adoption of open banking initiatives, the rise of alternative payment methods, and the growing demand for seamless cross-border transactions. As the B2B payments market continues to witness significant growth, competition among players is expected to intensify, leading to further advancements in payment technologies and an enhanced customer experience.

Top Player’s Company Profiles

  • Visa (US)
  • JPMorgan Chase (US)
  • Citigroup (US)
  • PayPal (US)
  • Fiserv (US)
  • Square (US)
  • Worldpay (UK)
  • Barclays (UK)
  • HSBC (UK)
  • Santander (Spain)
  • ING Group (Netherlands)
  • Deutsche Bank (Germany)
  • BNP Paribas (France)
  • Credit Agricole (France)
  • Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group (Japan)
  • Mizuho Financial Group (Japan)
  • UniCredit Group (Italy)

Recent Developments

  • To streamline business-to-business (B2B) payments and enhance communication inside the extensive networks of global companies, Visa Inc. and Swift partnered in October 2023.


  • September of 2023 By diversifying its cross-border B2B payments platform portfolio, Sprinque, a Netherlands-based payment service provider, has increased its geographic footprint in Germany and Spain to dominate the European market.


  • July 2023 Revolutionary real-time B2B payment solutions in British Pounds (GBP) and Euros (EUR) were developed in Europe by ConnexPay, a payment technology firm that facilitates the acceptance and making of payments.


  • June of 2023 The French FinTech company Aria has expanded its B2B Deferred Payment Infrastructure in the United Kingdom by opening a new office. This expansion improves trade SaaS platforms and ERP systems, increases online B2B commerce, and connects marketplaces.

B2B Payments Key Market Trends

  • Rise of Real-Time Payments: Real-time payment systems are gaining traction in the B2B space, enabling instant settlement of transactions. Businesses are increasingly seeking faster payment options to enhance cash flow management and improve liquidity. Real-time payment networks, such as the Faster Payments System in the UK and the RTP (Real-Time Payments) network in the United States, offer businesses the ability to send and receive payments instantly, 24/7. This trend is particularly relevant in industries where time-sensitive transactions occur, such as e-commerce, manufacturing, and supply chain management.
  • Integration of Open Banking and APIs: Open banking initiatives and the use of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) are revolutionizing the B2B payments landscape. Open banking allows third-party providers to access financial data and initiate payments with the consent of businesses, promoting competition and innovation in the payments industry. By leveraging APIs, businesses can integrate their systems with banks and payment service providers, enabling seamless payment experiences and enhancing financial visibility. For instance, businesses can automatically reconcile payments, access real-time transaction data, and initiate payments directly from their ERP or accounting systems, streamlining their B2B payment processes and improving efficiency.

B2B Payments Market SkyQuest Analysis

SkyQuest’s ABIRAW (Advanced Business Intelligence, Research & Analysis Wing) is our Business Information Services team that Collects, Collates, Co-relates, and Analyses the Data collected by means of Primary Exploratory Research backed by robust Secondary Desk research.

According to our analyses, The Global B2B Payments Market is witnessing significant growth and is poised for further expansion. The market analysis highlights several factors contributing to this growth. Firstly, the increasing adoption of digital payment solutions and the shift away from traditional paper-based methods are driving the market. Businesses are recognizing the benefits of streamlined and efficient B2B payment processes, including improved transparency, faster transactions, and reduced costs. Additionally, the growing emphasis on financial digitization, automation, and the integration of payment systems with enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions are further propelling market growth. The market research analyst also points out the rising demand for secure and seamless cross-border payment solutions as businesses increasingly engage in global trade. Furthermore, the emergence of technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and machine learning is revolutionizing the B2B payments landscape by enabling enhanced security, fraud detection, and real-time transaction tracking. The market analysis identifies North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific as key regions driving the growth of the B2B payments market, owing to the presence of large enterprises, technological advancements, and supportive regulatory frameworks. Overall, the market research analyst anticipates a robust growth trajectory for the global B2B payments market, driven by the ongoing digital transformation in financial transactions and the increasing demand for efficient, secure, and digitized payment solutions in the business-to-business domain.

Report Metric Details
Market size value in 2023 USD 120.96 trillion
Market size value in 2031 USD 241.80 trillion
Growth Rate 8%
Forecast period 2024-2031
Forecast Unit (Value) USD Trillion
Segments covered
  • Payment Type
    • electronic funds transfer, credit cards, mobile payments, and others
  • End User
    • healthcare, manufacturing, retail, IT and telecommunications, and others
  • Technology
    • blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI), and application programming interfaces (APIs)
Regions covered North America (US, Canada), Europe (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Rest of Europe), Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, Rest of Asia-Pacific), Latin America (Brazil, Rest of Latin America), Middle East & Africa (South Africa, GCC Countries, Rest of MEA)
Companies covered
  • Visa (US)
  • JPMorgan Chase (US)
  • Citigroup (US)
  • PayPal (US)
  • Fiserv (US)
  • Square (US)
  • Worldpay (UK)
  • Barclays (UK)
  • HSBC (UK)
  • Santander (Spain)
  • ING Group (Netherlands)
  • Deutsche Bank (Germany)
  • BNP Paribas (France)
  • Credit Agricole (France)
  • Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group (Japan)
  • Mizuho Financial Group (Japan)
  • UniCredit Group (Italy)
Customization scope

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  • Segments by type, application, etc
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  • Market dynamics & outlook
  • Region

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Table Of Content

Executive Summary

Market overview

  • Exhibit: Executive Summary – Chart on Market Overview
  • Exhibit: Executive Summary – Data Table on Market Overview
  • Exhibit: Executive Summary – Chart on B2B Payments Market Characteristics
  • Exhibit: Executive Summary – Chart on Market by Geography
  • Exhibit: Executive Summary – Chart on Market Segmentation
  • Exhibit: Executive Summary – Chart on Incremental Growth
  • Exhibit: Executive Summary – Data Table on Incremental Growth
  • Exhibit: Executive Summary – Chart on Vendor Market Positioning

Parent Market Analysis

Market overview

Market size

  • Market Dynamics
    • Exhibit: Impact analysis of DROC, 2021
      • Drivers
      • Opportunities
      • Restraints
      • Challenges
  • SWOT Analysis


  • Technology Analysis
    • (Exhibit: Data Table: Name of technology and details)
  • Pricing Analysis
    • (Exhibit: Data Table: Name of technology and pricing details)
  • Supply Chain Analysis
    • (Exhibit: Detailed Supply Chain Presentation)
  • Value Chain Analysis
    • (Exhibit: Detailed Value Chain Presentation)
  • Ecosystem Of the Market
    • Exhibit: Parent Market Ecosystem Market Analysis
    • Exhibit: Market Characteristics of Parent Market
  • IP Analysis
    • (Exhibit: Data Table: Name of product/technology, patents filed, inventor/company name, acquiring firm)
  • Trade Analysis
    • (Exhibit: Data Table: Import and Export data details)
  • Startup Analysis
    • (Exhibit: Data Table: Emerging startups details)
  • Raw Material Analysis
    • (Exhibit: Data Table: Mapping of key raw materials)
  • Innovation Matrix
    • (Exhibit: Positioning Matrix: Mapping of new and existing technologies)
  • Pipeline product Analysis
    • (Exhibit: Data Table: Name of companies and pipeline products, regional mapping)
  • Macroeconomic Indicators


  • Introduction
  • Impact On Economy—scenario Assessment
    • Exhibit: Data on GDP - Year-over-year growth 2016-2022 (%)
  • Revised Market Size
    • Exhibit: Data Table on B2B Payments Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)
  • Impact Of COVID On Key Segments
    • Exhibit: Data Table on Segment Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)
  • COVID Strategies By Company
    • Exhibit: Analysis on key strategies adopted by companies


  • Market Dynamics
    • Exhibit: Impact analysis of DROC, 2021
      • Drivers
      • Opportunities
      • Restraints
      • Challenges
  • Regulatory Landscape
    • Exhibit: Data Table on regulation from different region
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Porters Analysis
    • Competitive rivalry
      • Exhibit: Competitive rivalry Impact of key factors, 2021
    • Threat of substitute products
      • Exhibit: Threat of Substitute Products Impact of key factors, 2021
    • Bargaining power of buyers
      • Exhibit: buyers bargaining power Impact of key factors, 2021
    • Threat of new entrants
      • Exhibit: Threat of new entrants Impact of key factors, 2021
    • Bargaining power of suppliers
      • Exhibit: Threat of suppliers bargaining power Impact of key factors, 2021
  • Skyquest special insights on future disruptions
    • Political Impact
    • Economic impact
    • Social Impact
    • Technical Impact
    • Environmental Impact
    • Legal Impact

Market Size by Region

  • Chart on Market share by geography 2021-2027 (%)
  • Data Table on Market share by geography 2021-2027(%)
  • North America
    • Chart on Market share by country 2021-2027 (%)
    • Data Table on Market share by country 2021-2027(%)
    • USA
      • Exhibit: Chart on Market share 2021-2027 (%)
      • Exhibit: Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)
    • Canada
      • Exhibit: Chart on Market share 2021-2027 (%)
      • Exhibit: Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)
  • Europe
    • Chart on Market share by country 2021-2027 (%)
    • Data Table on Market share by country 2021-2027(%)
    • Germany
      • Exhibit: Chart on Market share 2021-2027 (%)
      • Exhibit: Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)
    • Spain
      • Exhibit: Chart on Market share 2021-2027 (%)
      • Exhibit: Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)
    • France
      • Exhibit: Chart on Market share 2021-2027 (%)
      • Exhibit: Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)
    • UK
      • Exhibit: Chart on Market share 2021-2027 (%)
      • Exhibit: Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)
    • Rest of Europe
      • Exhibit: Chart on Market share 2021-2027 (%)
      • Exhibit: Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)
  • Asia Pacific
    • Chart on Market share by country 2021-2027 (%)
    • Data Table on Market share by country 2021-2027(%)
    • China
      • Exhibit: Chart on Market share 2021-2027 (%)
      • Exhibit: Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)
    • India
      • Exhibit: Chart on Market share 2021-2027 (%)
      • Exhibit: Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)
    • Japan
      • Exhibit: Chart on Market share 2021-2027 (%)
      • Exhibit: Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)
    • South Korea
      • Exhibit: Chart on Market share 2021-2027 (%)
      • Exhibit: Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)
    • Rest of Asia Pacific
      • Exhibit: Chart on Market share 2021-2027 (%)
      • Exhibit: Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)
  • Latin America
    • Chart on Market share by country 2021-2027 (%)
    • Data Table on Market share by country 2021-2027(%)
    • Brazil
      • Exhibit: Chart on Market share 2021-2027 (%)
      • Exhibit: Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)
    • Rest of South America
      • Exhibit: Chart on Market share 2021-2027 (%)
      • Exhibit: Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)
  • Middle East & Africa (MEA)
    • Chart on Market share by country 2021-2027 (%)
    • Data Table on Market share by country 2021-2027(%)
    • GCC Countries
      • Exhibit: Chart on Market share 2021-2027 (%)
      • Exhibit: Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)
    • South Africa
      • Exhibit: Chart on Market share 2021-2027 (%)
      • Exhibit: Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)
    • Rest of MEA
      • Exhibit: Chart on Market share 2021-2027 (%)
      • Exhibit: Market size and forecast 2021-2027 ($ million)


  • Competitive Landscape
    • Total number of companies covered
      • Exhibit: companies covered in the report, 2021
    • Top companies market positioning
      • Exhibit: company positioning matrix, 2021
    • Top companies market Share
      • Exhibit: Pie chart analysis on company market share, 2021(%)


For the B2B Payments Market, our research methodology involved a mixture of primary and secondary data sources. Key steps involved in the research process are listed below:

1. Information Procurement: This stage involved the procurement of Market data or related information via primary and secondary sources. The various secondary sources used included various company websites, annual reports, trade databases, and paid databases such as Hoover's, Bloomberg Business, Factiva, and Avention. Our team did 45 primary interactions Globally which included several stakeholders such as manufacturers, customers, key opinion leaders, etc. Overall, information procurement was one of the most extensive stages in our research process.

2. Information Analysis: This step involved triangulation of data through bottom-up and top-down approaches to estimate and validate the total size and future estimate of the B2B Payments Market.

3. Report Formulation: The final step entailed the placement of data points in appropriate Market spaces in an attempt to deduce viable conclusions.

4. Validation & Publishing: Validation is the most important step in the process. Validation & re-validation via an intricately designed process helped us finalize data points to be used for final calculations. The final Market estimates and forecasts were then aligned and sent to our panel of industry experts for validation of data. Once the validation was done the report was sent to our Quality Assurance team to ensure adherence to style guides, consistency & design.

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Customization Options

With the given market data, our dedicated team of analysts can offer you the following customization options are available for the B2B Payments Market:

Product Analysis: Product matrix, which offers a detailed comparison of the product portfolio of companies.

Regional Analysis: Further analysis of the B2B Payments Market for additional countries.

Competitive Analysis: Detailed analysis and profiling of additional Market players & comparative analysis of competitive products.

Go to Market Strategy: Find the high-growth channels to invest your marketing efforts and increase your customer base.

Innovation Mapping: Identify racial solutions and innovation, connected to deep ecosystems of innovators, start-ups, academics, and strategic partners.

Category Intelligence: Customized intelligence that is relevant to their supply Markets will enable them to make smarter sourcing decisions and improve their category management.

Public Company Transcript Analysis: To improve the investment performance by generating new alpha and making better-informed decisions.

Social Media Listening: To analyze the conversations and trends happening not just around your brand, but around your industry as a whole, and use those insights to make better Marketing decisions.

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B2B Payments Market size was valued at USD 120.96 trillion in 2022 and is poised to grow from USD 130.64 trillion in 2023 to USD 241.80 trillion by 2031, at a CAGR of 8% during the forecast period (2024-2031).

The B2B Payments Market is highly competitive, with several key players vying for market share and continuously innovating to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving landscape. The competitive landscape is characterized by the presence of established financial institutions, fintech startups, payment service providers, and technology giants. Leading players offer a wide range of payment services, including electronic funds transfer, virtual cards, mobile wallets, and digital invoicing, catering to the diverse needs of businesses across industries. Fintech startups have also emerged as formidable competitors, leveraging advanced technologies such as blockchain, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to provide innovative B2B payment solutions that offer efficiency, security, and transparency. Additionally, partnerships, collaborations, and acquisitions are prevalent strategies adopted by players to expand their market presence, enhance their service offerings, and gain a competitive edge. The competitive landscape is further intensified by the increasing adoption of open banking initiatives, the rise of alternative payment methods, and the growing demand for seamless cross-border transactions. As the B2B payments market continues to witness significant growth, competition among players is expected to intensify, leading to further advancements in payment technologies and an enhanced customer experience. 'Visa (US)', 'Mastercard (US)', 'American Express (US)', 'JPMorgan Chase (US)', 'Bank of America (US)', 'Citigroup (US)', 'PayPal (US)', 'Fiserv (US)', 'Square (US)', 'Worldpay (UK)', 'Barclays (UK)', 'HSBC (UK)', 'Santander (Spain)', 'ING Group (Netherlands)', 'Deutsche Bank (Germany)', 'BNP Paribas (France)', 'Credit Agricole (France)', 'Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group (Japan)', 'Mizuho Financial Group (Japan)', 'UniCredit Group (Italy)'

The increasing adoption of digital payment solutions and advancements in technology are driving the growth of the B2B payments market. Companies are transitioning from traditional payment methods, such as paper checks and manual invoicing, to digital platforms that offer efficiency, convenience, and cost savings. For example, the rise of mobile payment apps, online payment gateways, and electronic invoicing systems have streamlined B2B transactions, reducing manual errors, processing time, and transaction costs.

Rise of Real-Time Payments: Real-time payment systems are gaining traction in the B2B space, enabling instant settlement of transactions. Businesses are increasingly seeking faster payment options to enhance cash flow management and improve liquidity. Real-time payment networks, such as the Faster Payments System in the UK and the RTP (Real-Time Payments) network in the United States, offer businesses the ability to send and receive payments instantly, 24/7. This trend is particularly relevant in industries where time-sensitive transactions occur, such as e-commerce, manufacturing, and supply chain management.

In the B2B payments market, one dominating region is North America, which holds a significant market share. North America has emerged as a powerhouse in the B2B payments sector, driven by several factors that contribute to its dominance. The region's robust technological infrastructure, advanced financial systems, and the presence of major players in the payments industry have propelled its leadership position. North America's dominance is exemplified by the widespread adoption of digital payment solutions and the emergence of innovative platforms. For instance, the region is witnessing a surge in the use of mobile payment apps and digital wallets, enabling businesses to streamline their payment processes and enhance efficiency. Companies like PayPal, Square, and Stripe have established a strong presence in North America, offering secure and convenient B2B payment solutions that cater to a wide range of industries. Furthermore, North America's emphasis on financial technology (fintech) advancements has accelerated the growth of the B2B payments market. The region boasts a thriving ecosystem of fintech startups that are disrupting traditional payment methods and offering cutting-edge solutions. Examples include companies like Bill.com, which provides cloud-based payment automation and workflow tools, and AvidXchange, offering accounts payable and payment automation solutions. These innovative platforms have gained significant market share in North America, catering to the evolving needs of businesses for seamless B2B payments.

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Report ID: SQMIG40D2015
